Struggling Father desirous to see his Son - Letter 78

My Dearest Beta Shanu,
Do you remember my poem which I send to on your birthday there are few more lines added to it, Just happen to cloud me and my pen immersed in your affection inked out few more lines. Here are the lines, inherit them beta as following are the moments which I have lived and desired to live with you.
“Seems like it was yesterday, when i learnt to walk,
holding your hand on these very streets.

Seems like it was yesterday, when you came running
when i fell and brought me back to my feet

Seems like yesterday, that you roamed on the terrace
at nights, trying to put me to sleep

It seems like yesterday, that you held my hand and
taught me to sing

Seems like yesterday, that you were always with me,
for everything.

It was just yesterday, when you taught me
right and warned me about wrong

yes it was just yesterday, when you played with me and taught
me to be strong

It was just yesterday, when you brought me my barbies and my

Yes it was just yesterday when you taught me to
spell my name

Even after all these years it is all the same
It seems just like yesterday ..................

I often sit in the temple across the street. Not to pray, but just to bathe myself in the vibrations of all those that do, all those lucky ones that so easily believe in the divine power of faith ...
I usually have a space in a back corner on the floor of the temple, a little hidden from sight, where I can be the observer rather than the observed. A lot of young people frequent the temple asking for divine interventions in their life. Imagine their surprise when they turn around and see a decent guy in a corner. They may read too much into divine intervention !
Today someone had taken my place. A nice looking young man, his mouth whispering a silent prayer, eyes closed. He had a cloth laid across his lap as if he planned to be in meditation for a long time. I just quietly crouched on the floor next to him. A little irritated at having my secluded corner usurped.
His whispering stopped. I turned and he was staring at me. I suddenly noticed his nice looks and extremely wide broad shoulders.
But he sounded more humble and had no self consciousness. He asked me about myself. He spoke intelligently about various subjects in general.
What did he do ? He was an assistant accountant in a small firm in by day and was studying computers by night. He had come from a small village and was sending home money monthly to support his parents, who were now too old to work in the fields. Saving money to do that meant certain sacrifices.
like walking to the temple every morning from his shared shelter in a slum 2 miles away. To save bus fare. And then to work.
He suddenly smiled, put a hand out to touch my feet, and said goodbye. As he removed his cloth from his lap and moved away from me, I realized why this young man had such strong shoulders,
He had no legs. They were just small shrivelled useless bone and skin tucked permanently under is upper body. He moved by pushing himself along his haunches.
Two miles everyday to say a prayer.
There were vibrations in my body. My dearest son it’s very difficult for me explain the sensation but the experience has enriched me more. Dearest Shanu be a traveler and travel to long destination both in physical and meta-physical world as it will enrich you and empower your creativity to newer heights and improve your spiritual sense and thus a path provider.
Dearest Shanu, have fun and be happy always. Dearest Beta, May God be with you and the ashirwad and blessings of your grand parents and my meditations and prayers provide you nested bliss for your soul and protection to your body. Papa, Dadaji, Dadiji and Chachu we all wish that you should be happy and healthy.
Have bliss, and may beta Sanidhya always laugh and enjoy the Lord’s love, Ha! Ha! Ha!
May Lord Shiva protect you and Lord Vishnu feed you and Lord Brahma educates you.
Your Papa,